Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sugar Rush: The Highs and Lows

Hello fellow SB's!
One thing you must always be prepared for are the highs and lows of this life. One day you can have a SD, the next day, POOF! Or you can have a POT that seems promising, yet he fails to deliver. Always make sure to save for a rainy day or to stay true to your goals! If you're goal is to pay off bills, don't spend all your earnings on nothing but designer clothing and Gucci bags. You'll  feel very foolish if that SD drops you and you have nothing to show for it but a mountain of student loans and last season's Prada. Also make sure to keep as many POTS as you can around until you secure a good arrangement with a SD. You don't want to have to start from scratch all over again. In my case, I plan on having multiple SD's for different needs. I want at least 5k a month, not including shopping; enough to pay bills, and to save up a nice chunk. 

Introducing POT Mr. Refinery:
He works on Oil Rigs, mostly overseas, so he's gone most of the year, which works for me. He's a nice guy, a little clingy, but I can manage. I know he likes me a lot, so I didn't hesitate to slip in the topic of an allowance during one conversation we were having. He asked how much I needed and I told him 3k; enough to pay my monthly tuition fees and student loans. He texted me back and said that he could definitely do that. I was elated! I finally had my FIRST REAL SD! 
Then my phone vibrated again with another text. He continued with "but I can't wire it to you immediately... yadda yadda yah"
He told me previously that he didn't want to give me anything until we met, but that's in five weeks. Okay, I can work with that, I understand, maybe he's scared I will run off with some cash and never speak to him again?
What irritates me is the fact that being a SB is not ONLY about sex. I feel like I'm putting in a TON of work with Mr. Refinery right now. He's married, but treats me like his girlfriend or something. I mean, he wants to talk ALL the time. 
So basically, I'm supposed to email you all day back and forth and play lovey-dovey for nothing? 
I feel like there are many SD's out there who would help me out and send me some loot for everything I'm giving Mr. Refinery. Sure, it's not sex, but I'm giving him great conversation for hours at a time, stroking his ego, making him feel good about himself. I would think the least he would want to do is make me happy and make sure my needs are met. 
Help me out SugarBabies: Am I just being a bitch or are my feelings valid? Am I being too hard on Mr. Refinery? I really don't feel like talking to him another five weeks for hours on end while my needs aren't being met. 


  1. I am a no-sex Sugar Baby...(I do not really consider myself a Sugar Baby)

    Damn right my time is worth something. "No $$$ until we meet" means we will never meet and that is that. It is such a turn-off...Why be that tight with your money?

  2. Hi Peppers! Ok that's exactly how I feel! At first I was doubting myself and thought maybe I was being a tad unreasonable, glad to know I'm not. I think I'm going to text him next week and let me know that my tuition is due. If he doesn't wire me any money, I'm dropping him. He is expecting too much of my time for nothing. And get this: He had the nerve to email me "Hopefully, you will start freeing more of your time for me." Oh, really? So I'm supposed to talk to you not damn near four hours a day, but eight, to make your day go by faster and give you some excitement. What about me? Ugh! Ending my rant! Sorry Peppers, lol! :)

  3. Not all sugar babies have sex to get their sugar. There are daddys out there just simply looking for company…then there are some sugar babies that do some bizarre things to get their sugar…I haven't slept with anyone to get one thing I've been spoiled with thus far :) Nothing wrong with sexing up an SD, but if its not your thing, then don't do it.

    Now as far as lover boy…yea push the issue of an arrangement. He has had plenty of time to get to know you. If he fumbles, then drop him. At least give him the option to spoil or roll out. Some POTs are new to the game so they don't quite know how all of this works…yet you're getting frustrated. So nudge (SHOVE) him along :) I hate needy guys like that so don't feel bad for keeping it moving lol!

  4. Oh and I forgot to mention..if you do decide to put up with his ass till he comes back…suggest he do some online shopping and ship you some shit since he's going to be a pussy about sending you money. At least you'd get something while you work on another POT. Keep the chitter chatter to a minimum just enough to keep him interested. Tell him you have a life and can't be on the phone all the time. I love emails. I send Mr. Artist one once a day and that's enough attention to keep him happy :) That's only 5 min of my life a day :D

  5. @ Creole: Girl, rub some of that mojo you got onto me! Haha! Trust me, I would prefer getting all the sugar for no sex, but for the right price, I'm willing to give a little out. But yeah, I have been ignoring a lot of his messages and just informing him that I'm busy. I feel like being a straight biotch though one of these days and just saying, "Look, if you don't send some funds my way, just let me know so we won't waste each other's time." He whines to me ALL DAY LONG about his wife and says that she's not there for him, but wont leave because she enjoys her lifestyle. But I guess he expects me to listen to his problems for free? Please! Great idea about the gifts!

  6. @KarmynBlasian ahahahahahaha these m-effers playing game with our money AND our time.

    I told one last week to take care of my shopping expenses by 6:00 p.m. WHY did dude's "colleague" have a "heart attack" just as I was "hitting Nordstroms"...THAT is why he could not give me $$$. "Colleague" died in surgery the next day. NOW he says it has caused him to hit the bottle again and he was "an alcoholic" so...."Rehab".

    All I know is he better not have quit his job.

    Look, why play games???? If you don't want to fund my lifestyle from afar then TELL ME so I can check that ass off a list and move on. The light bill is due!

  7. @Peppers: Oh yes, he was def playing games! Unfortunately for him, you see right though him! And that was such a dramatic story! LOL! And i agree, normally I would feel bad for cutting people off so quickly, but in this world you have to or you will get taken advantage of in a minute!
