Monday, August 15, 2011

Straight Talk, No Chaser

I haven't been in this world too long, but when I first started talking to POT's, I found myself unable to express my needs and wants. Even though I would clearly state in my profile that I wanted a SD or on I would "choose" an allowance between 3-5k, POT's would still ask me what I was looking for or how much did I want.
The very first POT I ever spoke to asked me just that and I recall stammering and looking down at my feet and twirling my hair around my finger (a clear indication I'm nervous) when I told him. I cringe when I think back to that conversation and how foolish I was. Needless to say, because I wasn't more confident he picked up on that and tried to drop the allowance I was requesting (3k) to a measly 300 a month. Ha!
I used a random (thank gosh!) call as an excuse, lied about an emergency and got the hell out of there.
Everyday I'm becoming more assertive, as I should be. POT's are not afraid to ask for as much quality time as they can get and some definitely do not hesitate to throw in a conversation the topic of sex. I've learned that if I'm going to meet their needs, I'm going to make sure my needs are met as well.
I also learned to not reek of desperation. When we're broke or have important bills that need to get taken care of, it's so easy to accept the unacceptable or to tolerate bullshit. Instead of just listening to a POT, watch him. Sure he talks a lot, but does he back it up? Have the two of you been talking for awhile and he STILL hasn't done anything for you? Men pick up on our desperation with a quickness and they will exploit it as much as you allow them too. I'm guilty of this myself and I will never do the same again. One thing we always have to remember is there are so many SD's out there waiting to pamper, spoil and take care of our needs, but we are never going to find them if we keep putting our energy into these fakes that our clearly wasting our time.
With that said...Mr. Refinery
Remember in a previous post I explained that he didn't want to get me anything until we met? Well yesterday I sent him an email and told him that my tuition was due (It's not. This was a test.). He was still beating around the bush, kept explaining how much he cared for me and hoped I didn't see him only as a "business transaction".
 I side-eyed the hell out of his response and didn't even write him back. So what you think this is? I'm supposed to be your "girlfriend" for free? And I really don't care about his feelings. He knew what it was when he saw my profile. First of all, this is a sugar daddy site not Secondly, I didn't say I was looking for an "old ass, wrinkly married boyfriend". I said "I'm looking for a sugar daddy that can pay for my tuition, student loans and expenses". And finally,  he never should've agreed to an allowance if he didn't plan on giving it to me.
See what I mean? We allow them to waste our time and they will. Luckily, I didn't neglect other POT's and I have a few dates lined up this week. From this situation I learned a valuable lesson: Until you give me what I need, I'm not giving you what you need. There was no reason for me to keep talking to him, stroking his ego, especially when he couldn't even send me a few hundred dollars to, at the VERY LEAST, keep me satisfied while we've been talking.
Oh well, on to the next...


  1. Luv the *side eye*! LoL:-) Virtual high five!

  2. You are keeping it for REAL. Please sprinkle some of that salt on me.

  3. @ Butterfly: *High Five*! Girl, I swear that's exactly the face I made when he sent me that email! LOL

    @Peppers: Girl, I have to! I just threw a little salt your way! LOL! But you don't seem to need it, you always keep it real too! I'm always reading your comments you leave on the other blogs! You give excellent advice!

  4. Thank you Karmyn.I worry about unsolicited advice. I don't want to be "that person" you know what I'm saying.
