Monday, August 22, 2011

Seeking a REAL Sugar Daddy

Hey Dolls!
I'm back from my little vacay! It was MUCH needed and I feel great! I would feel even better if I found a real SD!
I'm still weeding through the fakes, perves and phonies, but I'm not letting it stress me out anymore. I also wanted to thank all the SB's out there who give out great advice and encouragement for us "newbies". If it wasn't for all of you, I would've drove myself crazy and threw in the towel, so I appreciate all the sisterly love! It truly is amazing to feel frustrated, scared, or angry and to be able to check out another blog and see that another SB is going through the same thing or has "been there, done that" and can offer up advice! *Group Hug*
Now back to business, I've been talking to a POT, Mr. Tech:
He's married, lives out of state and actually has a cool personality. He's a computer software engineer as well. Now I met him on AM; very important because as I stated before I made sure on AM to only check the box for a SD. So I was surprised when he texted me this message after I made it clear to him that I was looking for a mutually beneficial/sdsb relationship:
I'm not sure what mutually beneficial means to me, what I am willing to do and what you/I would want. This is my first time doing this. I'm not a SD and I've never had a SB, but I understand you have financial needs.
Okay, what does this mean? I don't want to jump to conclusions, but at the same time I need someone that's on the same page as me. How should I interpret this?
In other news, guess who's been emailing me like crazy?
Mr. Refinery:
He's telling me that he misses me like crazy, that he LOVES me and that he's so sorry and doesn't want me to think he was trying to string me along. Harsh, but I ignored his messages. Then he emailed me again informing me that the reason he hasn't sent me money for my tuition and other expenses is because since he's out the country, his wife handles everything and that he comes into town in three weeks and wants to see me. 
Okay, my gut is telling me that he's trying to get over. That he wants to meet up, maybe he's hoping to have sex (yeah right! he ruined that!), then give me a "little" tip. Another part of me (the nice side of me), believes that he's not lying and that I should keep him around since he did agree to the 3k allowance I requested. 
Hmmmm, what's a girl to do? 


  1. Taking a pause for the cause is always a great thing! New ladies, more often than not, give up briefly after starting on their Sugar Hunt. If you do a search or even look at the list of sugar blogs on my blog you will see about 1-3 months is the normal turnover time. Yes, there are those who luck out and find someone right away, but more often than not you will end up putting in much time, effort, & energy before that happens.

    Mr. Tech-Okay, dumbass you don't know what "mutually" and "beneficial" mean? Anywho, I would write him back something like: "Mutually beneficial relationship" is a term I am sure you have an idea as to what it means, but just in case it means a relationship in which both people are happy with the outcome/what has been setup & agreed upon. I would like to know what you are looking for & wanting from someone you meet on this site...and I am sure vice versa. Could I have your email adrs so we could talk a lil more freely?

    Don't forget AM monitors ALL forms of communication and although I am iffy about him. It would be easier to be straight to the point with him then continuing to speak in "Sugar Code". That way you know right away whether he is on board or to keep stepping.

    Mr. Refinery-he reminds me of a guy that I backburned. You know you put things on the backburner on the stove on low to keep them warm, but don't really pay them much attention. I'd wait a few days, then send an email. I'd put how you've been really busy lately and stressed bcuz the school start date is getting closer and you STILL don't have enough. How you're glad he reached out to you and explained what his situation was. Perhaps, in three weeks when he is back in town he can touch base with you, so the two of you could meet up and discuss moving forward together in an arrangement. Finish by saying that you're sorry it was such a short note, but you're either on your way to work or just got home after a long day. You look forward to hearing from him towards the end of September when he is back in the country.

    I am sure he cld send a couple of hundred, but whatevs...Kind of like my Mr. Green Eyes, there is a slim possibility things may work out, but don't put in really hope there. If it happens, delightful surprise...if not, oh well, you weren't counting on it anyways:-)

  2. Hey butterfly! *Waves* I'm sooo late responding, sorry! Thank you for all the advice girlie!
